Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Instead of learning I've tried new circle lanses..

DIA: 14,5mm

Unfortunately my eyes are looking too natural with them. They're not big enough to make my eyes bigger, though.. What is more, they're too bright to cover my natural colour.

Don't mind my messy wig ><

I tried my new phone and front camera... It works quite nice *o*
Unfortunately this phone is pretty big and battery goes flat quickly ><

But still waiting for my code to take out simlock >< It's gonna be second day...


  1. Pretty!! 14.5 mm isn't too big but it's decent ^^ you should try 15mm I guess it would be better but still look natural. Bigger lenses aren't as comfortable as 14-15mm lenses I think :) btw I love your wig <3


    1. Thank you!❤ I've tried 15mm but now they're out of date;; Have you tried 16mm? Is there any difference between 15mm and 16mm?:3
